Mark Rockwell
- Gender: Male
- Age: 49
- Birthday: 07/01/1976
- Eye Color: Brown
- Hair Color: Black
- Ethnicity: White
- Tattoo: Yes
- Piercing: No
- Measurements: --
- Height: 175 cm (5 ft 8 in)
- Weight: 77 kg (170 lbs)
- Background: American
- Career Start and End: 2011 to Present
- Career Status: Active
- City and Country: East Coast, US
- Endowment: 7-9"
- Facial Hair: Yes
- Foreskin: Cut
- Interested in: Girls
- Interests and hobbies: Getting my cock sucked by pretty girls, shooting massive loads of jizz, and fucking married women right in the pussy :)
- Relationship status: Single
- Turn Offs: Prudes, cigarettes, chicks that don’t suck dick, loud-mouth opinionated assholes, thiefs, liars, high waisted jeans, smelly unkept vaginas, and passive aggressive dickheads.
- Turn Ons: Ponytails. Girls that wear chokers, chucks, and shorts. Sluts that swallow. Roadhead. Rimjobs. Girls that swear like a sailor, married women or chicks with boyfriends, girls half my age, MILFs, whores, sluts, and trashy women.
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